
Computer Viruses and How to Deal With Them

A computer virus is a software program that can replicate and spread from one infected computer to another. The infected objects can be a system, program, or document files. After infecting your computer, it might slow it down, damage the contents of the infected files, mislay the data, or defect your computer system’s normal operation. The virus can also use your computer to propagate illegal adverts and send spam emails that exploit security (adWare) and steal your personal information, such as bank account numbers, credit card numbers, etc. (SpyWare). Some viruses might use your computer to create a botnet (virtual computer network) to attack other server systems and websites.

Computer Viruses and How to Deal With Them 1

2- Type of viruses on Windows-based computers:

Several computer viruses can impede the functioning of your computer. Here are some of the different types of viruses: Trojan Horse is an email virus created by a file attached to the email. If opened, it may scour your hard drive for personal and financial information, such as your social security account and PINs. Once it has collected your info, it is sent to a hacker or thief via the internet. Macro Virus: A computer virus infects the Visual Basic language documents for Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, etc. This type of virus can cause damage (such as removing data on the hard disk, for example).


Worms: It is a program that can self-replicate itself. It can move from one computer to another and replicate itself in your computer system, then spread hundreds of its copies to other computers that might cause widespread damage. Rootkit Virus: It is a program that makes it possible to cover the processes, files, and data in the computer Registry (a database used to save Windows’s system and program settings).

A rootkit is usually used to hide the activities of viruses and processes that harm your computer. In addition, it is to help a hacker to control the system. Boot sector Virus: A virus that attaches itself to the first part of the hard disk read by the computer upon bootup. Floppy disks normally spread these. Logic Bombs: It is a program that sends data to the same email address and overwhelms the system or blocks the server connection.

It is also used to threaten others (for example, mail bombs, etc.). Memory Resident Virus: This type of virus dwells in the RAM. From there, it can overcome and interrupt the operations executed by the system. It can corrupt files and programs that are opened, closed, copied, renamed, etc. Multipartite Virus: These viruses spread in multiple ways. It might vary in action depending on where it’s installed and the presence of certain files.

Roberto Brock
the authorRoberto Brock
Snowboarder, traveler, DJ, Swiss design-head and HTML & CSS lover. Doing at the nexus of art and purpose to develop visual solutions that inform and persuade. I'm a designer and this is my work. Introvert. Coffee evangelist. Web buff. Extreme twitter advocate. Avid reader. Troublemaker.