
Challenges and Opportunities in the Context of Internationalization of Higher Education

The World Bank’s 1991 ‘World Development Report’ has made a fascinating observation that the scientific and technological progress and enhanced productivity in any nation are closely linked to investment in human capital and the quality of the economic environment.

Challenges and Opportunities in the Context of Internationalization of Higher Education 1

However, scientific and technical capabilities are unevenly distributed globally and are linked with the education system in a nation. The 21st century has seen massive changes in higher education systems in terms of the complexity of the systems and their utility for converting education into an effective tool for social and economic changes. An exciting relationship is emerging among education, knowledge, knowledge conversion into suitable entities from a trade point of view, wealth, and economy.


Internationalization of education includes the policies and practices undertaken by academic systems and institutions- and even individuals- to cope with the global educational environment. The motivations for internationalization have commercial advantage, knowledge, and language acquisition, enhancing the curriculum with international content, and many others. Specific initiatives such as branch campuses, cross-border collaborative arrangements, programs for international students, establishing English-medium programs and degrees, and others have been implemented as part of internationalization. In addition, efforts to monitor global initiatives and ensure quality are integral to the global higher education environment.

The higher education system across the world has witnessed two more interesting revolutions. The first is connected with the advent and use of computers in teaching, lea,rning, and research, and the second is linked with the communication revolution. Today, education transcends geographical boundaries. Besides, the structure and context of academic work also have undergone tremendous change.

Student diversity and the administrative and pedagogical demands of new curriculum delivery modes characterize the academic’s everyday workiacademic’sment. The accomplishment of any educational change is linked with the readiness of teachers to implement new methods and innovative practices. The present paper attempts to understand the role of teachers in the internationalization of higher education in India. The focus of the present paper is to be acquainted with the challenges and opportunities for faculty in the context of the internationalization of higher education and their inclination to adapt to the change.

Roberto Brock
the authorRoberto Brock
Snowboarder, traveler, DJ, Swiss design-head and HTML & CSS lover. Doing at the nexus of art and purpose to develop visual solutions that inform and persuade. I'm a designer and this is my work. Introvert. Coffee evangelist. Web buff. Extreme twitter advocate. Avid reader. Troublemaker.