
Cool Gadgets Shopper – Irresistible Gadgets Your Customers Will Love

We don’t mean James Bond’s cool gadgets when we talk about cool gadgets. The term “cool gadgets” discusses a specific set of electronics that stand out from the rest of the crowd in their special use or rarity. Typically, the reason could be anything. While a calculator cannot be set aside as a cool gadget, cool electronic binoculars with night vision and focus adjustors would count as one. The obvious question would be the factors that distinguish the cool gadgets from the not-so-cool ones. While listing all the factors that could take an eternity, you’ll find some elements here.

* New Technology – When Bluetooth was introduced, only a few manufacturers understood its importance and incorporated it into their cell phones. Those cell phones were considered “cool gadgets.” A typical example of a cool gadget now would be smartphones, the iPhone, or even the iPad. While the Amazon Kindle can be considered a cool gadget, it is arguable.


* Rarity – If you own it and your friends and everybody you know owns it, it’s not a cool gadget anymore, even if it’s an iPhone. Think of this – when everyone you knew wandered around with a candy bar cell phone, one of your friends must have owned a gem of a cell phone. Now, that would have been a cool gadget.

* Cool Brand Name – Well, this is simplicity itself. Some brand names are cool, and some are not. The Barbecue Propane Gauge is a boring name, while the Xbox sounds cool.

These are just some reasons why cool gadgets stand out from the others. It is never unanimously accepted because there are always complainers. If most geeks take it as a cool gadget, it goes down in the history books as one.

This year has been remarkable for cool gadgets because there have been some impressive gadgets in the market. With the size of the computer gradually decreasing and its features exponentially increasing, the vacuum tube computers evolved into desktops and laptops and finally into tablet PCs. You can describe them in one word – Awesome! The Windows phone is critically acclaimed but has not received much attention from the people, maybe because they think it will be bug-ridden too.

On the other hand, the masses received the Android phone well. You can now change the way you watch TV with the latest 3DTVs. If Nintendo’s Wii can attract people, Microsoft’s Xbox 360 Kinect can redefine the concept of gaming. These are just some of the cool gadgets of last year, but 2010 has been fortunate in the endless list of new innovative products that came out.

Roberto Brock
the authorRoberto Brock
Snowboarder, traveler, DJ, Swiss design-head and HTML & CSS lover. Doing at the nexus of art and purpose to develop visual solutions that inform and persuade. I'm a designer and this is my work. Introvert. Coffee evangelist. Web buff. Extreme twitter advocate. Avid reader. Troublemaker.