
WordPress – Why Your Company’s Website Needs It

As an owner of a website development company specializing in WordPress design, I often hear business owners tell me their company already has a website. Then, when I explain the value of having a WordPress website, they quickly want to know why their current website isn’t good enough and why they should switch. Sound like you?

Or maybe you have already ruled WordPress out because it’s designed for blogs, which your company doesn’t use. WordPress has been around since 2003, and in the beginning, it was targeted toward bloggers, but it has evolved into the #1 most popular content management system (CMS) for a good reason! Over 23% of the internet’s websites are powered by WordPress, with that number rising every year.

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So why is it different? What are the benefits? Though there are thousands of reasons to convert your site to WordPress, I’ll give you the most popular ones:


WordPress is Free!

This fact still excites my developer husband. With thousands of design themes and plugins to suit any website need, it truly is amazing that WordPress is a free software service. It’s free because it is run by a volunteer group of consultants interested in expanding the software. It’s a community where anyone can create a theme, write a plugin, answer tech support issues, and contribute. Once you begin using WordPress, all those community benefits become accessible. You receive free support, downloads, themes, etc. And they are also free to install and modify, which makes WordPress so universal and loved.

The open-source code is also beneficial for beginners wanting to learn how to maintain their website. It lets anyone view, study, and change the software’s source code without paying a dime. The only money you need to dish out is hosting and a WordPress domain. These freebies allow us to pass on the savings to you as a business owner when revamping your website. Once it’s built, we walk you through hands-on training and set you loose to maintain your site with full confidence.

WordPress is Easy to Use

No coding experience is required. Novices can upload videos and pictures, edit blog posts, manage content, and create new pages without a developer. WordPress offers hundreds of articles for beginners. This means no more sending basic text updates to your developer that cost you money. The WordPress platform allows you to log in from any computer, day or night, and make changes, so you don’t have to wait until Monday at 9 a.m. to contact your design company. You have control. And because blogging was the original target for WordPress, it remains the simplest platform on which to blog. Blogging is already built into WordPress and ready to use, so every site, from e-commerce to photo gallery, will gain from its benefits.

WordPress is SEO Friendly

If your business’ website is struggling for first-page placement on Google searches, powering your site through WordPress is a good option. WordPress’s code is written to be highly compliant with search engines. It’s clean and simple, making it easy for search engines to index your site. Additionally, you can prime your WordPress website using keywords to make search results very specific. And because Google loves new content, the fact that you can easily and regularly upload changes and modify your company’s site will boost your SEO.

WordPress is Safe

Many novices feel insecure about maintaining their website, fearful they might “break it” or be susceptible to hackers. Rest assured, WordPress is secure. There is a specific process to “harden” a WordPress website installation that doesn’t exist in traditional websites. And with the right developer, your site will be safe even with multiple users. As the administrator, you can appoint users on your site and grant them varying access levels and capabilities.

WordPress Can Grow!

Your company’s website is not limited to its original design and functionality with WordPress. There is no need to start from scratch and build a new site because your business changed its marketing strategy or branding method. Plugins make almost anything possible. Want to add an event calendar, calculator, or email sign-up form to your site down the road? That’s not a problem for your WordPress engine. Even if you need to expand your site by adding pages or a video, WordPress is adaptable, and none of it will negatively affect the performance of your company’s website.

A huge way WordPress grows a business is by recognizing mobile devices. If your company does not have a mobile-friendly website, WordPress covers that by configuring your site to adapt when being read on mobile devices to be viewed appropriately. Brilliant, huh?

There are many benefits for companies that convert to a WordPress website; it’s impossible to name all of them. If you are beginning to see the value of building your website in WordPress, contact your local web developer to get started and see what the needs world’s most popular CMS can do for your business!

Marie Thompson serves as the Copywriter, Co-founder, and Client Accounts Manager of Vegas Website Designs, a Las Vegas, Nevada, website design and WordPress web development company for small businesses striving to end the poverty cycle through a portion of our profits.

Roberto Brock
the authorRoberto Brock
Snowboarder, traveler, DJ, Swiss design-head and HTML & CSS lover. Doing at the nexus of art and purpose to develop visual solutions that inform and persuade. I'm a designer and this is my work. Introvert. Coffee evangelist. Web buff. Extreme twitter advocate. Avid reader. Troublemaker.