
What is an emerging market, and how to identify them in MENA?

The MENA region is home to many emerging markets. These markets offer great potential for future growth. However, it is essential to note that not all emerging markets are alike. Each market has its own unique set of challenges and opportunities. As such, it is crucial to research any market before investing carefully.


What is an emerging market?

An emerging market has great potential for future growth and trading. Emerging markets are typically developing countries undergoing rapid economic and political change.

Mena is a world region that includes the Middle East and North Africa. The Mena region has many emerging markets, such as Egypt, Morocco, and Tunisia.

Here are several factors that can identify an emerging market. These factors include:

A young population

A young population is a crucial indicator of an emerging market. A young population is typically more educated and has more spending power than an older population.

A growing middle-class

A growing middle class is another key indicator of an emerging market. A growing middle class typically has more disposable income than other economic classes.

Rapid economic growth

Rapid economic growth is another critical indicator of an emerging market. Rapid economic growth typically results in higher incomes and more consumer spending power.


Urbanization is another critical indicator of an emerging market. It’s because urbanization typically leads to higher levels of education and increased spending power for consumers.

A young and literate workforce

A young and literate workforce is another critical indicator of an emerging market. A young and literate workforce is more likely to be productive and has spending power.

A large, untapped market

A large, untapped market is another crucial indicator of an emerging market. A large, untapped market offers excellent potential for future growth.

Political stability

Political stability is another critical indicator of an emerging market. Political instability can lead to economic instability, hurting consumers’ spending power.

A growing economy

A growing economy is another key indicator of an emerging market. A growing economy typically means more job opportunities and higher wages.

Improved infrastructure

Improved infrastructure is another critical indicator of an emerging market. Improved infrastructure makes it easier for businesses to operate, increasing economic growth.

A favorable business environment

A favorable business environment is another critical indicator of an emerging market. A good business environment makes it easier for businesses to start and grow, leading to increased economic growth.

Increased foreign investment

Increased foreign investment is another critical indicator of an emerging market. Increased foreign investment typically means confidence in the country’s economy in question.

Diversification away from natural resources

Diversification away from natural resources is another crucial indicator of an emerging market. This is because diversification typically leads to increased economic stability and growth.

A growing service sector

A growing service sector is another critical indicator of an emerging market. The service sector typically generates more jobs and higher wages than the manufacturing or agriculture sectors.

Improved access to capital

Improved access to capital is another critical indicator of an emerging market. Improved access to capital allows businesses to grow and expand, increasing economic growth.

These are just a few factors that can be used to identify an emerging market. When researching a potential investment, it is essential to consider all these factors carefully.

Bottom line

Emerging markets offer great potential for future growth. However, it is essential to note that not all emerging markets are alike. Each market has its own unique set of challenges and opportunities. As such, it is vital to research any market before investing carefully. Check here for the best crypto EFT.

Roberto Brock
the authorRoberto Brock
Snowboarder, traveler, DJ, Swiss design-head and HTML & CSS lover. Doing at the nexus of art and purpose to develop visual solutions that inform and persuade. I'm a designer and this is my work. Introvert. Coffee evangelist. Web buff. Extreme twitter advocate. Avid reader. Troublemaker.