
Mobile Apps Emerge As the Star Performers of the New Economy

Industry reports indicate in Mexico that mobile apps will continue to be the ‘superstars’ of 2016. As more e-commerce websites, taxi apps, and others transition to exclusively app-based transactions, the potential for mobile app development companies will grow at an unbelievable rate. This also means that brands across the spectrum will have renewed interests and investments in mobile websites and apps. As data drives more market decisions, mobile apps will surely be the kings of our new and improved ‘demand economy. There is reason to believe that the entertainment and gaming industry holds much promise, as data integration will create many powerful partnerships across platforms.

Mobile Apps


In more ways than one, it is an excellent time to explore the power of mobile apps. Brands have already understood and aligned their marketing strategies with evolving digital technology. It is only a matter of time before the exception becomes the norm. Although traditional media will not disappear, there is no doubt that everything will be tried and tested for mobile first. Custom app development companies would do well to take these predictions seriously and gear up to service the demands of this explosion in 2016. There is a chance that there may be a rise in offshore software development to control costs. But, this year, the offshore app development companies may have to perform on fronts other than cost competency. This means that offshore custom app development providers should be prepared to follow standardized frameworks and establish maturity in terms of capability.


This year, we will witness a renewed vigor to embrace and understand all forms of time-sensitive innovation to take advantage of the technological opportunities in the next quarter. It will be safe to assume that app development companies are getting ready to employ their legacy of solution architecture with contemporary technology to amplify their expertise and add new services to their existing portfolio. First-movers in this segment will likely capture a sizeable share of the mobile app development market in 2016. Reports also indicate that services such as Analytics and Insights, Enterprise Mobility, Social Media, Cloud Computing, and Big Data Management will be the top sellers this year. We will also see competent industry players invest time and resources to strengthen their development capabilities to make the most of this ‘App-ification Revolution.’

Ava Smith is the Business Development Manager for BluEnt. BluEnt is a software and web application development company based in New York, United States. To find out about BluEnt’s software development services, visit Services include business process automation solutions, user experience, interface design, social media marketing (SMM), search engine optimization (SEO), legacy migration, big data management, and analytics.

Roberto Brock
the authorRoberto Brock
Snowboarder, traveler, DJ, Swiss design-head and HTML & CSS lover. Doing at the nexus of art and purpose to develop visual solutions that inform and persuade. I'm a designer and this is my work. Introvert. Coffee evangelist. Web buff. Extreme twitter advocate. Avid reader. Troublemaker.