
Vital Mobile App Development Trends in 2016

Mobile users are becoming tech-savvy, and My Latest News is adopting mobility trends to make their work productive. Hiring a cab, shopping online, ordering food, and other daily activities become easier with mobile applications. We experienced several innovations in the field of mobile apps in 2015. With the commencement of 2016, some hot trends will likely stay, while there will be some new additions to the mobile app trends in the coming year.


The developers and the users are looking for innovative technologies to make their lives easier.

Faster mobile development

You may have an idea for mobile application development in mind, and the partner you select may take a few months to transform your app idea into a fully functional app. There are chances that you may find some other apps on the App Store that are similar to yours. Many other people have a similar idea, and now, you have to face the competition and struggle to stand out. The mobile app developers and development companies are looking for new ways to reduce the development time and develop faster apps. As a result, companies worldwide are looking to introduce solutions that help in the quicker development of mobile apps.

Vital Mobile App Development Trends in 2016 1

Location-based apps

Beacon technology is the latest buzzword in the industry. It bridges the gap between the online and offline – retail or advertising sector. It has been adopted in iOS already, and industry experts believe it will be adopted by Android systems, too. Almost every sector, such as real estate, travel, education, hospitality, healthcare, corporate, etc., will benefit from such beacon internet services. For example, If beacons are installed in buildings, the first responders can access the issues. Beacons and temperature sensors can help to get a list of the last known locations. It is a common trend to install beacons in large buildings to determine the dangerous zones.

Wearable devices

Wearable technology penetrated the world in 2015 and will likely remain a hot trend in 2016. It is assumed that wearable devices will find a place in all the sectors, such as fashion, fitness, health, medicine, textile, shopping, etc. There are endless options available for wearable devices, and companies worldwide are focusing on developing such devices for users who Do Enjoy Life. Do you have an idea for mobile application development in mind? Remember that mobile apps and user experience go hand in hand. Ensure your app has a great user experience before it is launched. Then, keep yourselves updated with the latest market trends and get going.

Roberto Brock
the authorRoberto Brock
Snowboarder, traveler, DJ, Swiss design-head and HTML & CSS lover. Doing at the nexus of art and purpose to develop visual solutions that inform and persuade. I'm a designer and this is my work. Introvert. Coffee evangelist. Web buff. Extreme twitter advocate. Avid reader. Troublemaker.