
All You Need to Know About Making Money As a Blogger

You can be making money as a blogger! No joke. Remember that behind every successful blogger stands much hard work and perseverance. Not only that, but a blogger has to love what he’s writing about.

All You Need to Know About Making Money As a Blogger 1

Making Money As A Blogger Means Content and Site Traffic

Not only do you need enthusiasm, but you also need useful content that people want to read about. Once you have that and a steady flow of traffic to your site, you can start thinking about ways to make money. One of the best ways to do this is through advertising. Advertising can be either direct or indirect.


Direct Advertising for Making Money as a Blogger

Direct advertising means getting income directly from the blog. This can be done by selling ad space on your blog. Good programs, like AdSense, can scan blog text and add contextual ads. AdSense works well with practical subjects that can create a commercial angle. It doesn’t work well for abstract topics such as politics or religion. Payment is on a “per click” (CPC) basis. Another direct earning method is using blog ads. The advantage of this is that bloggers can control the ads on their sites and how much they charge for the ads. The disadvantage is that you might not get ads if the price is too high. Text links are also a good way to sell ads directly. They don’t take up much room on your blog, and you can also control what type of ads get put up. A good program for setting up text links is Chitika. Other direct advertising methods exist, such as RSS advertising and the latest mobile application advertising.

Indirect Advertising for Making Money As A Blogger

Indirect advertising means making money because of your blog. This is another good way to make money as a blogger once your blog starts getting a higher profile. Indirect advertising can include such things as consulting and coaching services. Once people start seeing a blogger as an expert in a particular field, they will ask him for advice. And people are willing to pay for good advice. Many bloggers also advertise books, e-books, or hardcovers they’ve written. Sometimes, publishers will even come to a blogger because they have put themselves “out there” with a book idea. But even selling a few copies of an e-book online monthly can be quite lucrative in the long run.

Additional Tips for Making Money as a Blogger

In addition, a successful blogger can offer courses, audio/videos, and webinars and make himself available for speaking opportunities and training programs. In addition to providing products he has produced, a blogger can give referrals for products created by others. In that case, the blogger will get a percentage of the profit made through his referral. All in all, there are many exciting opportunities for making money as a blogger if you are willing to work at it and dream big! Karen Marrow is passionate about blogging and affiliate marketing. To learn more about blogging and make money, visit her site to become a blogger.

Roberto Brock
the authorRoberto Brock
Snowboarder, traveler, DJ, Swiss design-head and HTML & CSS lover. Doing at the nexus of art and purpose to develop visual solutions that inform and persuade. I'm a designer and this is my work. Introvert. Coffee evangelist. Web buff. Extreme twitter advocate. Avid reader. Troublemaker.